Marriage is not a partnership where each gives his/her 50%, provided that their spouse does the same. It is a covenant where each gives his/her all, and more, expecting nothing in return.
This seems to be the season for marital discord. We seem to be surrounded. Many couples are going through an embattled period, some with infidelity, some with lack of communication, and some with bitterness and disloyalty. Some of these are dear friends. Some are acquaintances.
I was speaking with someone the other day who said that the pastor at their church had all the spouses turn to each other and tell the other, "You are not my enemy."
What's sad is that a lot of couples really do treat each other like enemies. They're so busy worrying about their own interests that they can't be bothered to see the needs of the one they've pledged to love the rest of their lives. The ironic part is that if each spouse looked to the other's interests, their own would be covered.
Ladies, submit yourselves to God, and trusting your husband gets much easier. Submission is basically trust, lived out. Men, be men. Not boys. Love your wives sacrificially, and you won't have to do more to earn her respect. Put your spouse first, and watch how God moves to meet your needs, as well as theirs.
Marriage is permanent, people. Just because we live in a society that says it's not, doesn't mean that you can or should leave. It's not about your happiness. Marriage is about your holiness. Be holy, as God is holy.
Much love,